The Beast, the second book in my trilogy “The End Times Odyssey” comes out on Amazon January 31, 2023! 

One reviewer (who gave me a four out of five-star review) made the comment that he thought the name Rothfellas was corny. Little did he know the depth of the one and only Rothfellas history. I’ve written this chapter to explain the reviewer’s confusion. Had he known the extent of JP Rothfellas evil psychopathic need for power maybe the reviewer would have had more respect for him.


The End Times Odyssey – Extra

The Lost Chapter – J P Rothfellas

                Rothfellas, how he loathed that name. He plotted his revenge for the petty way the two families fought to name the heir to the largest accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen. As soon as he orchestrated the intrigue that ultimately led him to control both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds empires, he put into place his master plan.

J P Rothfellas was the culmination of years of selective breeding between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. They were looking for that perfect combination of ruthless sociopath and savvy businessman to take their collective empire to the next level. He fit the bill perfectly.

Their grand experiment turned deadly. From the time he took the reins The power and wealth he possessed allowed him to buy anything or anybody.  The vast network of research laboratories he funded made many healing breakthroughs for the diseases that plagued humans from the beginning of time. Of course, they were reserved for the rich and powerful and went to the highest bidder. It also allowed him to develop the designer diseases for which he alone had the cure.

All of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers eventually died from mysterious illnesses. Was it a genetic malady or an environmental issue? All of the investigations into their untimely deaths led to dead ends. He was thirty-six when he lost his last blood relative.

By forty-five he managed to buy out or bankrupt all the pharmaceutical companies in the world. Now he controlled all the health in the world.

By fifty, a bout with pneumonia forced him to face his own mortality. Of course, his position afforded him the best, most recent breakthrough in viral drug treatments. His disease was short lived, but it left him with a germophobic fear of all human contact. He became obsessed with cleanliness and immortality.

After exhaustive research he came to the conclusion that cloning was the closest thing to immortality that he could readily control. It became his only focus. He couldn’t stand the thought of another person reaping the benefits of everything he had built.

In typical JP Rothfellas fashion, he used his unlimited power and wealth to buy or burn every cloning research lab in the world. He employed the best and brightest scientists in his own labs and quietly silenced the rest to keep anyone else from pursuing his obsession.

Animals were already being cloned in genetic research labs but they used surrogate wombs. He couldn’t stand the thought of a nine-month confinement in another human being. His cloning had to take place in the lab by artificial means.

Ten years of intense research led to the breakthrough he anticipated. He personally witnessed his own cloning many times only to be disappointed by the outcome. Now he gazed on a perfect version of his infant self. The child would be evaluated, along with the room full of exact duplicates of himself, and any flaws noted. A lone specimen would survive, the rest destroyed.

The scientists involved in the experiments were instructed to clone themselves in order to preserve his inner circle for future generations. All the clones started intense and sequestered indoctrination. No outside forces were allowed to alter the course of the future according to JP Rothfellas.



He detested these wretches that populated the world. They were here only to service his insatiable need for control, power and wealth. He sat at his opulent desk in his private study fuming. The latest designer virus his minions had spent billions of dollars and countless lab hours on had once again been sloughed off by the masses. Sure, a few of the weaker ones died off but the majority developed herd immunity and went about their business. They weren’t even afraid of the propaganda anymore. They weren’t taking his “vaccines”. It was hurting his bottom line. He couldn’t allow that.

He had to come up with a different plan. He called a summit of all his lab directors from across the globe.

From his glass enclosure with the super oxygenated, purified air piped in for his obsessive piece of mind, he listened ad infinitum to every presentation. All a carbon copy of the last. Until the director of the lone lab in Tanzania approached the podium.

JP didn’t like the Turk as he was called. He seemed to go off in tangents of his own, unlike the perfect minions Rothfellas cultivated. But when the Turk started explaining his latest find JP perked up.

Amygdaloideum, a drug that works directly on the Amygdala controlling the emotions.  Administered in bottled water, a tasteless, odorless, deadly drug that had to be taken daily or the hapless patient (victim) went totally mad. The substance was so effective that eighty percent of the population would become totally addicted and slaves to the “Amy”.

A tyrants dream. He started buying every water bottling plant in the world. He would be ready for that opportune time when the right one came along to unify the globe.

He was following the Beast closely. Maybe with his help The Beast could fulfill his destiny and unite the world. JP would be ready.

Daniel Fulton

Author of The End Times Odyssey trilogy

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