Stewed Possum

There was a possum harmed in this story. If that offends you then please do us all[…]

Ted Tollard

  In the early nineteen seventies my brother Richard and I worked construction around Alexandria, Indiana. I[…]

The Bulge An Essay On Courage

I wanted to honor every combat Veteran with this post of the story of my uncle Corporal[…]

Holly And her Favorite Swing

This is a book i wrote for my second grandchild on her sixth birthday.

A Fathers Lament

I wrote this when My sister Cindy Smith Died In 2010 for my father. He wanted to[…]

The Ringer Washer

In early 2009 HWY 127 going to Jamestown Tennessee where my parents and my sister Cindy’s family[…]

A Father

A Father   A father will not be judged by the money he made or the power[…]

A tribute to my Mother gone nine years this May

Rosalee Ann Fulton Rosalee Ann Fulton was born Jan. 8, 1931 in KIRKLIN, Indiana to Roy Lee[…]

Latest Comments:

  1. What a terrifying dream. And this disease is equally terrifying. Thank you for sharing your experiences, we all have these…

  2. Beautiful Uncle Dan! You, my dad, and Aunt Julie are all amazing for caring for him. Love and prayers to…