End Times Odyssey – Character review

The Beast, the second book in my trilogy “The End Times Odyssey” comes out on Amazon January[…]

New Release of my book “Fingerprints” it’s the first in my series End Times Odyssey

Please leave me a review on Amazon of the book, so I’ll know how you liked it!

Elias trying to assimilate into a new society

Early morning quote from Fingerprints of Faith He watched taxis pick up the business people on a[…]

He would no longer be David to anyone again!

“Can you take me to the train station?” David asked eyes straight ahead and his head down.[…]

Alonzo Browning quote in Fingerprints of Faith

His ideas were not new; the country had been founded on the very principles that he lived[…]

Interview with Fiona Mcvie


Latest Comments:

  1. What a terrifying dream. And this disease is equally terrifying. Thank you for sharing your experiences, we all have these…

  2. Beautiful Uncle Dan! You, my dad, and Aunt Julie are all amazing for caring for him. Love and prayers to…