Students challenge

      Challenge me teacher, Tho I cry out in pain. Challenge me teacher, Tho I[…]


Lonely   Singles they’re called and sometimes yuppies Spent youth fighting wars or just being hippies Former[…]

Parent’s Lament

      One left by plane One left by train Doesn’t matter They’re gone just the[…]

Old Windmill

      Old windmill still beckons Of decades past it reckons. A noble purpose it had[…]

My Epitaph

      Here lies his body but his spirit is gone What he once was he’s[…]

It Always happens

It Always Happens     It always happens, sooner or later A declaration of independence they make[…]

Latest Comments:

  1. What a terrifying dream. And this disease is equally terrifying. Thank you for sharing your experiences, we all have these…

  2. Beautiful Uncle Dan! You, my dad, and Aunt Julie are all amazing for caring for him. Love and prayers to…